What We Know

Marketing to Expectant Mothers During a Pandemic

Marketing to Expectant Moms During a Pandemic

Four weeks ago when most America when into lockdown, marketers worried about the future of their marketing to mom campaigns. What they soon discovered however was that homebound moms searching for products, educational tools and entertainment created opportunities for sales growth.   Most importantly the new normal presented the chance to deepen their relationship with mothers,…

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5 Questions to Ask Your Agency About Marketing to Millennial Moms

Even as Generation Z is entering motherhood, brands are still trying to understand and tap into the spending of Millennial Moms.  Unfortunately, many are entrusting this daunting task to their agency who may or may not understand the demographic themselves. Here are 5 questions that can help brands steer their marketing activities toward a higher…

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7 Mistakes to Avoid When Working With Mom Influencers

Holiday season is approaching and selling products to Millennial Moms is on most marketer’s minds. Word-of-mouth marketing has long been a tactic for marketing to moms. The name may have more recently changed to influencer marketing, but it still remains an effective strategy if executed properly. Unfortunately, in the search for the silver bullet to drive…

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