What We Know

What Brands Need to Know About Mom’s Covid-Inspired Holiday Shopping

What Brands Need to Know About Mom’s Covid-Inspired Holiday Shopping

Brands, retailers and marketers can expect that things will be different this year as they prepare for moms to open their wallets for holiday shopping. Although the holidays won’t be cancelled, Moms will be approaching how they buy gifts, celebrate with family and friends and prepare meals with thoughts of Covid, civil unrest and economic…

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6 Images that Define a Successful Influencer Campaign

6 Images that Define a Successful Influencer Campaign

  BSM Media, Inc. is an award-winning and internationally recognized Marketing to Moms agency specializing in strategic outreach, influencer engagement, and content creation. BSM Media also owns and operates MomSelect Influencer Network, MillennialInfluencers.com, GenZInfluencers.com, and Mommyparties.com.   Maria Bailey is the CEO of BSM Media and the author of “Marketing to Moms: Getting Your Share of the Trillion Dollar Market,” “Power Moms,”…

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The Future of Halloween in a Covid World According to Moms

Halloween. It’s the second highest holiday spend among moms after Christmas.   With social distancing and the cancelation of some college fall sports, it’s natural progression to ask, what about Halloween? BSM Media surveyed 945 mothers from across the United States for their thoughts on the spooky and fun holiday during a pandemic.   Here’s a look…

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Back to School Supplies

Back To School Shopping Is Taking on a New Look in 2020

Survey reveals Moms are avoiding retail shopping and filling backpacks with PPE. The effects of Covid are changing the 2020 Back to School season not only for educational institutions but for how moms are shopping for their children’s supplies for the new school year.  In a recent survey by BSM Media, a marketing agency which…

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