What We Know

New Tactics to Win Over Mom Consumers

Connecting with Mom Consumers in 2022

It’s a new year and with it brings the need for new marketing tactics to keep pace with shift in media consumption and shopping behaviors of today’s Gen Z and Millennial Moms.   In 25 years of studying marketing and mom consumers, 2022 is likely to rank as one of the greatest years of change since…

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7 Overlooked Ways to Work with Influencers

7 Overlooked Ways to Work with Influencers

“I need influencers to post about my product.” I hear this statement more than a dozen times a week.  With thousands of brands engaging with millions of social media influencers, the strategy of working with influencers needs to be much more refined and targeted.   Brands likely have very specific goals behind why they want…

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10 Effective Yet Overlooked Ways to Engage with Mom Influencers

  BSM Media, Inc. is an award-winning and internationally recognized Marketing to Moms agency specializing in strategic outreach, influencer engagement, and content creation. BSM Media also owns and operates MomSelect Influencer Network, MillennialInfluencers.com, GenZInfluencers.com, and Mommyparties.com.   Maria Bailey is the CEO of BSM Media and the author of “Marketing to Moms: Getting Your Share of the Trillion Dollar Market,” “Power Moms,”…

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