What We Know

A Campaign That Honors, Empowers, Respects Mom

All too often, it seems that the media spotlight shines on marketing initiatives gone bad. Unfortunately, the same viral buzz that is created with a good mom marketing program can take a brand mistake and catapult it to another level. I’m not going to waste my words here recapping all the social media tragedies of…

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Moms Shopping Trends: Online Trends and Seasonal Peaks

Last month, I wrote the first of a two-part article unveiling the results of a survey aimed at discovering any shifts in the shopping habits of the most powerful consumer group known as “Moms”. From the dozens of questions asked by BSM Media and Totsy.com to over 1,900 Moms, the results were sifted down into…

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Shopping Trends: A Fresh Look

Retailers are always looking for the answers to what drives Moms to purchase one product over another, what makes Moms loyal to a brand and, ultimately, what makes moms decide what to put in their shopping cart, either the one with four wheels or the one on the computer screen. Recently, over 1,900 Moms across…

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The Real Moms of Influence

On the long plane ride to Hong Kong last month, I pushed the SEND button and off it went my sixth book on the Mom Market. Now, before you think this is going to be a pre-published sales pitch, it’s not. In fact, I am not even going to mention the title. However, I would…

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Mom Marketing at 35,000 Feet

It’s my guess that many passengers flying for 11 hours become engaged in a state of reflection and I am no different. I am only a little half way into a long flight from Istanbul to the Big Apple, USA. Everyone around me is sleeping and it’s dark but I’m determined to make my unwired…

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