What We Know

Engaging with Mom Means Relationships

It’s no secret that Mom is the glue that holds the family project together. Mom drives the kids everywhere, juggles appointments with soccer games and often works outside the home. In today’s world of being the “multi-tasker extraordinaire”, it is more important than ever to understand what drives a Mom’s behavior and choices, and most…

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Knowing What Moms are Doing Today can Generate Sales for You Tomorrow

Spring is upon us  and while many marketers plan based on a retail calendar, we challenge you to think like a mom. Knowing what’s on her “to-do “ list today can impact your bottom line tomorrow. Here’s where the opportunities lie today for marketers: 1)      Easter Baskets-  Moms are frantically searching for small, fun items…

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Stop Calling Us “Mommy Bloggers”

I have the benefit of being a mom and a blogger. In fact, mom is the probably the title I am most proud of possessing. Last week, I even became a West Point Mom. I am also a blogger. However, I am also a podcaster, a radio talk show host, columnist, author and business owner.…

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Where Your Brand Needs to Be in 2012

There have been lots of predictions about moms in the New Year: how moms are shopping, what they will buy and what you should be doing to connect with them. I decided to focus on the “where” in the formula of how to market with moms. Even the best tactics will miss the target if…

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