What We Know

You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby

With an estimated 4 million babies born in the U.S. every year, the number for marketers to pay attention to is $10,000 to $12,000. That’s the average to low end of the budget that today’s mom-to-be will spend as she prepares for baby’s arrival. Women having babies and raising young children are the Millennial generation,…

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New Marketing Trends Come With Caution Signs

Everyone is looking for the next best marketing initiative to connect their brand with moms and ultimately drive sales of their products. As marketers, you have most likely dabbled in all the new marketing programs on Pinterest, Youtube, Instagram and Vine. We all want to find the silver bullet – that one program starts the…

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Advice for Marketing to Moms in 2014

In the past, I’ve provided my annual list of trends in marketing to moms.  Call it age.  Blame it on Twitter or SnapChat.  I feel the need to be short and sweet to get to the point; social media has trained me well.  You want to connect to moms.  Times are a-changin’ and marketing budgets…

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12 Days of Mom Marketing

For the holidays, I decided to spread good cheer through song. As this season flies by due to a late Thanksgiving, I hope 2013 was a success and your 2014 plans include effective strategies, like those listed below, to reach moms. Since you (luckily) can’t hear me sing in a written post, sing the tune…

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